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Project Acronym: PANTERA

Project Full Title: PAN European Technology Energy Research Approach

Duration: 01/01/2019 – 30/06/2023

Topic:LC-SC3-ES-7-2018 Pan-European Forum for R&I on Smart Grids, Flexibility and Local Energy Networks

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Suite5 in PANTERA

Suite5 is leading the work for the successful exploitation of the project results and the definition of a comprehensive strategy for maintaining the mechanisms established in the long-term.

PANTERA project aims to deliver a pan-European multi-dimensional collaborative platform that will bring on board all active stakeholders in Europe under the same umbrella for collaboration, collective thinking and actions, capable of leveraging coherence and trust as a pull towards enhanced R&I in energy systems. PANTERA will provide easy access, ready-made tools, real data from projects with results build in case studies for exploitation / utilization, building of future scenarios and an attractive environment for generating the vision of tomorrow in the smartgrids domain. Based on pan-European entities that will be active in PANTERA, the envisaged platform will strive for long term solidarity to build the required trust capable of delivering the much-wanted benefits of sharing results and knowledge and learning from best practice activities in the relevant fields.


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